Every now and then we hear that internet can give you information about this and that due to availablility of vast info resources over its cyber space. But does it make us more intelligent? This was the subject of a Pew survey along with future expectations as a result of increasing facilities over internet. An owewhelming majority of around 80 percent says internet will make humans more intelligent ten years from now. I feel it very difficult to digest. Whatever the developments we may see in communication technology and availablity of info but human brain will be human brain. It will not become a computer itself. Supporters may say that millions of pages of data can help one get more knowledge in less time and almost free of cost. Moreover developments in the field of artificial intelligence will aslo be helpful in incresing human intelligence.
Internet is a good source of info and artificial intelligence may help in finding the relevant material in comparatively short time. But on the other hand, human brain capacity to assimilate and absorb this knowledge will not go beyond a certain limit as it is gifted by nature. Some practices and proecess of learning may increase that capacity but not beyond a certain limit. One can not say more books you purchase, more you will be intelligent and knowledgeable. Several say google is severly damaging 'concentration' and that is not with out reason. In depth reading habit is changing into mere skimming through pages one after another. Does it not seem illogical that internet will increase human intelligence? Those about 80 percent respondents to Pew who believe that internet will make them more intelligent, see to be mere enthusiasts?