U.S. has been playing a major role in Middle East since times Israel was not established. American people had been having very positive view of Israel and felt more sympathetic towards Israel in conflict with Palestinians. A recent survey of Gallup USA shows that more than six in ten (63%) Americans say they feel sympathetic towards Israel in this conflict. This is a new high level of support since first Gulf war when Iraqi missile hit Israel. Keeping in view such large of sympathesirs for Israel in U.S, can anybody expect justice for Palestinians or even peace between Israel and Palestine?
When there are sympathies for one party in a conflict, you can not expect justice from the arbitrator. The way U.S. has supported Israel on all the occasions historically can be comprehended keeping in view a vast supportive public ground in U.S. Israel is among the most favored nations for Americans and Palestinians on the contrary are the least on the same count. How did Americas generate such perceptions? It probably be by the rocket attack of Palestinians across border or possibly be stone missiles thrown at Israeli soldiers by Palestinian civilians. These rockets of course result in injuries for several Israelis and might be the source for acquiring sympathies.
But on the other hand thousand of Palestinians; women, children, old and yound have lost their lives, why their miseries could not not generate similar sympathies for them among American people? Or why brutalities against innocent civilians could not generate dissatisfaction for Israel within Americas? Mostly people say American 'media' is responsible for this fact. Almost all media giants in U.S. in particular and the world in general are owned by Jews. So they present the stories in a way to attract sympathies for themselves and dissatisfaction for Palestinians. But some might say that today there are thousands of internet websites that are providing objective information about this issue through reports, videos, images, and interviews and Americans especially are among the top internet users in the world. So the effectof conventional media alone can not produce such high figures in favor of Israel as have been mentioned above.
What do you think are the factors shaping positive opinions of Israel among Americas? Why do Americans feel more sympathethic towards Israel? Why do Palestinians despite losing men, women, and children are not able to acquire the support of American publics?
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